Family Constellations Study Group Cape Town
I have been enriched, and have enjoyed so much, these last 4 months of Study Groups. Together we have shared insights, a deepening of experiential learning, and supportive connection. This August Study Group leads us into the second half of the year and into new areas of this extraordinary constellation work.
What the Study Group offers
The study groups offer a container for each participant to bring a gift or a need, a question into the space; to begin to explore the deeper levels of self and constellation work.
We do not set individual constellations; the work that we do on the day will arise out of the core spirit of the group, exploring the “how” of constellation work. Each participant will do silent personal work through the day in breakaway pairs or triads. Through this process of sharing presence, each group will take on their own rhythm and form as we travel together: deepening listening; heightening sensory awareness; and deepening a sense of self.
Feedback from former Study Group participant:
“I deeply appreciate the sharing of intimate journeys that goes on, the careful probing people do of themselves and the spaces between”. CU
These stand-alone family constellation study groups will be useful for individuals in several different ways:
For those who have previously done a one-on-one process, or set up a family constellation at a previous workshop: these groups will offer a holding and support that allows a process already experienced, to deepen and continue the new movement through the body.
For family constellations facilitators who are already working in the field and would like to remain connected and grounded in the work, through representing and generally supporting others.
For someone who feels a need to gain more clarity on their issue before actually setting up their own family constellation.
Date: Saturday 2nd August 2014
Time: 12:00 – 17:00
Venue: Muizenberg
Cost: R250