Family Constellations Development Workshop 2-3 November

Presence in Chaos

How do we stand in a world that overwhelms?

How do we move through a world in chaos?

How do we step into the chaos and tap into our own strength and wisdom?

We come first to stillness
We come into ourselves
We come into presence

Together we will open a space to hold the silence and to hear ourselves as we explore the deeper levels of self, and the quality of connection with another as we step into presence.

"My head is bursting with the joy of the unknown. My heart is expanding a thousand fold" Rumi
My head is bursting with the joy of the unknown. My heart is expanding a thousand fold” Rumi

We will work alternately through the day – with words and with silence – in pairs, in threes or fours or as a group, as the impulse arises, through the practicing and experience of presence:

becoming aware of awareness; deepening a listening – to our inner and our outer worlds; sensing and feeling in the immediacy of each moment; stepping aside from story and interpretation.

stillness * breakaway exercises * personal constellations * movement * stillness

We will explore what this word “presence” means in our lives: what is the difference in quality of the state of “being present” to that of “not being present” and how does that impact on the way we engage with ourselves and others? Through this door of awareness, we come into direct contact with the foundation that family constellations work rests upon.

You can attend to do personal development work, to work on an issue embedded in a personal or work setting, to deepen your own family constellations practice with others, or to deepen a simple practice of living. You will leave the day newly resourced and strengthened through re-connection to self, to family, to others, to the world. These felt connections experienced during the workshop day, are extraordinarily supportive and nourishing. This connection and support is also what you take with you out of the workshop into the world outside.

Date:         2nd – 3rd November 2013

Time:        9:00 – 17:30

Venue:      Alive Studio, Muizenberg

Cost:         R1100

Note: This 2 day workshop is listed as an elective module that can be used towards the portfolio requirements for the African Constellations 2013 / 2014 Family Constellations facilitator training.

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