Saturday 9th March is the date for the second in series of 4 ½ day Family Constellations Study Groups. Loved working with this group, accompanied by the unexpected sound of beautiful rain, cooling all after the weeks of heat.
What will this space be for?
There will of course be an examination and exploration of the underlying principles of constellation work. However, this space is also for us personally to do work with each other if needed. The groups will take on their own rhythm and shape as we travel together: deepening listening; heightening sensory awareness; and deepening a sense of self.
And together we create a space for curiosity, questions, adventure; for each of you to bring a gift or a need, questions into the space; to begin to explore the deeper levels of self and constellation work.
Setting the shape and rhythm
We use the shared lunch to settle and connect together and to set the boundaries of the session.
We begin at 13:30 with a shared lunch, working from 14:00 finishing at 17:00
I ask for everyone to contribute R50 to cover small costs of tea and snacks and materials that we may use during each session.
Address: 15 Belmont Road, Kalk Bay. Some directions as reminder.
From southern suburbs, Muizenberg end:
- Travelling along Main Road southwards from Muizenberg past St James into Kalk Bay. Turn right into Belmont Road (road after the Kalk Bay Theatre on the right before Kalk Bay station).
- On left will be a shop called Papagayu. Turn right into Lever Street and park in Lever Street.
- Walk back toward Belmont Road and turn right and cross road onto a tarred area in front of 4 garages.
- Walk to end of tarred area and look on left for wooden gate leading to 3 semis (they sit in a row at the back of the cottages that face onto Belmont Road).
- No 15 is first semi on the right of path.
There is unfortunately no parking in the garage area, so look for parking in Quarterdeck, Rouxville or Lever Street.
However – NB as it is a weekend, my suggestion is to come over Boyes Drive,
- turning left into Anderson Road (just after the first sharp decend curve to the left, before turns into Clairvaux road
- then left again into Gatesville.
- Belmont Road forms a T-junction, crossing Gatesville.
- Gatesville becomes Quarter-deck Road on the other side of Belmont
- Park in Quarterdeck Road then walk to my cottage which is stone throw around the corner.
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