Family Constellation Workshop with The Inner Process
Seeing & Being Seen
Looking at, becoming, appearing
The relation between what we see and what we know is never settled
The way we see things is affected by what we know or what we believe.
John Berger from Ways of Seeing
An invitation to come and join us in the workshop where we will experience and explore this engagement with the world and how we are impacted by each experience of being seen, looking at, becoming, appearing, disappearing.
Image credit: Zdenek Machacek
Through the seeing of and looking at, we place ourselves in relationship to what or who we see. There are different ways that engagement may open with another. Appearing, existing, connected, relational.
About seeing, being seen, being looked at. As person, as object. Or when looking becomes an act of complicity as described in the audio clip below.
And as last night’s controversial art performance featuring black actors in a recreation of a “human zoo” is called off after protests at its opening night in London……..
Quote from a short interview on Front Row, BBC4 re the cancellation of the art performance, Exhibit B, when it transferred to the Barbican in London. Relevant interview section begins at 08:09 on the BBC IPlayer.
The shameful history of colonisation and racial exploitation is explored in Exhibit B, a ‘show’ that has caused consternation and extreme – sometimes physical – reactions amongst those who have visited it.
A living piece of performance art, Exhibit B, by South African artist Brett Bailey, opens up yet another level of engagement, that of a past historical re-engagement in the present. Listen to the audio clip below on BBC4 Saturday Review 2014 (the relevant audio begins at 41:48 on the app player).
These words that follow are those of the philosopher Hannah Arendt:
Nothing and nobody exists in this world whose very being does not presuppose a spectator. In other words, nothing that is, insofar as it appears, exists in the singular; everything that is is meant to be perceived by somebody.
We, too, are appearances by virtue of arriving and departing, of appearing and disappearing; and while we come from a nowhere, we arrive well equipped to deal with whatever appears to us and to take part in the play of the world.
Hannah Arendt (from Life of the Mind) via Brainpickings
Workshop Details
There are 2 places still available to set up a personal issue for the 03 August workshop. And as usual, many more places for representatives to attend.
Atlantic Road, Muizenberg, Cape Town
9:00 for 9:30 – 17:00
Book to set a constellation @ R1350
Book to set a constellation (early payment discount) @ R1150
Book to attend as representative @ R350
Book as repeat representative or in-training @ R250
If there is a need for financial assistance please contact through The Inner Process contacts page.
Links of interest
Hannah Arendt on Being vs. Appearing and Our Impulse for Self-Display
2-Day Experiential Learning Group #2
In this 2nd of 3 weekends of Deep Learning Groups for 2019 we will continue to explore life at its deeper levels. Each weekend may be attended individually or as a block of 2 or 3.
31st Aug & 1st Sept
23rd & 24th November
….learn how to develop and deepen a fine observation, to see an impulse for movement, to hear the echo of voices; to feel emotional textures and resonance of past events and discover how they continue to impact systems in the present.
For fees and early pay discounts please visit The Inner Process Bookings page or click booking link below.
If there is a need for financial assistance please contact through The Inner Process contacts page.
Until we meet within the work…