When Love Flows
Family Constellations Workshop 23rd February 2014
There are times in your life when you may feel alone and unsupported, cut-off from your family. There is no flow of energy or love.
What will support love to flow?
Our deepest human need is to belong. We are born into a family that stretches back generations. This generational system is where we draw our strength from. This family energy is what supports and nourishes us in life.
However, if we are for whatever reason, cut off from our parents, our siblings and from the wider family system, we are un-rooted. Without the nourishing support that comes through the connections through your family, it is more difficult to live life expansively with an open heart.
In this family constellations workshop we will be attuned to whatever will support change. We ask:
What will support love?
What movement will open the space for love to flow again, in the family?
What will support a movement that allows a step towards the future, away from what is stuck in the past?
Using the family constellations modality, following the impulse of new movements, you will step out of your old story and so enable movement towards physical ease, re-connection and resolution.
This one day family constellations workshop will provide a space for participants to work on individual issues, whether embedded in family or a work setting. Attending the day as a representative is in itself a rich gift.
Date: Sunday 23rd February
Time: 9:00 to 17:30
Venue: Muizenberg, Cape Town
Cost: R700 for those setting up a constellation
R300 for those representing / observing