Family Constellations Workshop with The Inner Process
The Present Holds the Past : transgenerational trauma
In this workshop workshop we will explore how the echoes or resonance of the past can affect your life in the present.
- Who is missing?
- Who belongs?
- Who is excluded in a family system?
We will explore how invisible loyalties to the wider family system may continue to affect your life and the life of your children in the present generation.
- We will work across generational time
- Uncover, acknowledge and honour past events
- Discover what will support love
- Move towards resolving old patterns of behaviour, inexplicable reactions
Allowing you and your present family to step into stillness, to breathe, to feel at ease.
For those of you who have never experienced a constellation workshop setting, I would like to let you know of the warm, intimate, safe and very holding quality that the constellation circle provides for each person who chooses to work.
Date: Saturday 25th March
Time: 9:00 to 17:00
Venue: Durbanville
R950 for those setting up a constellation
R300 for those representing /observing
R150 for regular attendees
R150 for FC trainees
There are 4 places open for issue holders on the day. Those who have paid the fee 3 weeks before will have first preference for setting up their constellation.
If you are new to the work attending as a representative is a good introduction to this way of working. It can also help clarify a possible issue for working on in a future workshop.
A minimum requirement of for joining the Study /Deep Learning Groups is attendance of 2 x one-day constellation workshops. The Study /Deep Learning Groups begin mid-year.
For more information of the ‘how’ and of what happens in a workshop continue reading.
If there is a need for financial assistance please contact through The Inner Process contacts page