Family Constellations Workshop 27 May 2017 Cape Town

One Day Family Constellation Workshop with The Inner Process

Love and Connections: @ The Forge, Kalk Bay

This we know:
all things are connected
like the blood
that unites one family…
Whatever befalls the earth,
befalls the sons and daughters of the earth.
Man did not weave the web of life;
he is merely a strand in it.
Whatever he does to the web,
he does to himself.

Attributed to Chief Seattle of the Suquamish and Duwamish tribes, USA
Spiders web
Web of Connections

The poem above is quoted in an article, The Science of Connection by Fritjof Capra, physicist and systems theorist, based on a paper prepared for a conference in September 2016.

The article mentioned above is a very accessible read and takes you as the reader through clear descriptions of what a system is, including some history of systems along the way. This really is an excellent read for Systemic Constellation Practitioners, particularly those of you who are in training.

To go with the above, here is another link to a short ‘potted’ back history of some of the rich streams that flow into the constellation work, giving more of an overview and a contextual holder for systems in general and ways of knowing.

Towards the end of Systems, Fields and Streams, is a link to an interview with Rupert Sheldrake (for those of you who want to dig a bit deeper!)

Working with Living Systems

Family Constellation work is systemic; we are working most often with our family system. Also with wider systems: community, political, global.

We are all connected in all sorts of ways, simple and complex. Within our family systems we are connected through love. However the burdens that we take on for others begin to affect our lives in ways that restrict our lives in the present.

That these overlapping groupings of living systems are connected, allows us to work with and within these groups of generational families and others, to uncover and untangle the ‘stuckness’, or simply to allow what is hidden to be revealed so that the flow of love and life can strengthen and flow again.

Details of Workshop

One Day Family Constellation Workshop, 27th May

The Forge, Windsor Road, Kalk Bay, Cape Town

9:00 – 17:30

Book to set a constellation @ R1050
Book to set a constellation @ R980 [reduction of fee if paid 3 weeks before workshop date]
Book to attend as representative @ R300
Book as repeat representative or in-training @ R150

Please note the fee reduction for a personal constellation, if booked and paid 3 weeks in advance of the workshop date


If there is a need for financial assistance please contact through The Inner Process contacts page

For more information of the ‘how’ and of what happens in a workshop continue reading here









