Family Constellations Workshop April 14th

View of sunset end of day
View of sunset end of day

Here is an invitation to come and join this upcoming family constellations group in Muizenberg on Sunday 14th April. A family constellation is a very beautiful way of mapping out the relationships between people who are intimately connected.  This way of working allows an actual bodily experiencing of the texture and emotional content of the connections between each person. What has been hidden is revealed. This newly experienced knowing opens up ways of stepping out of old stuck patterns; the new knowing opens up new possibilities and ways of being in the world.

This one day family constellations workshop will provide a space for participants to work on individual issues, whether embedded in family or a work setting. Or to attend as a representative in other participant’s constellations.

Time:    9:00 to 18:00
Date:    Sunday 14th April 2013
Venue:    Muizenberg, Cape Town
Fee:    R650 for those setting up a constellation
R300 for those representing / observing

For workshop bookings and information please go to Contacts