Family Constellations Workshop Cape Town June 21st

Bonding and belonging and this thing called love

Family Constellations Workshop Cape Town June 21st

Come and join this one day family constellations workshop where we will explore bonding, belonging and the ties that bind us to our family systems

This thing called love
Bonding and belonging: Image by Suzy Bernstein


“She reminded him of this thing called ‘love’. She told him that even though there were times it didn’t seem possible – times when you’d much sooner find fault and hate – these were the times you most needed to love. He was family, and there was a rule that family get a share of love from each other just by being born of the same blood.”

The above quote is from Disco for the Departed by Colin Cotterill.

Our need for belonging and love impacts directly on how we are able to live our lives. Through belonging and love, we are bound by deep ties of loyalty to our families. The consequences that flow from these hidden loyalties are that we, in the present generation can become trapped, or in the words of Bert Hellinger, entangled in powerful hidden forces that may operate within our wider family system, over several generations.

Come and experience the profound depth that is reached with this trans-generational journey into your family system. The family constellations process offers a way of uncovering these powerful forces through the setting out of a living image of your family. We will be attuned to whatever will support change, whatever will support a movement towards the future, away from what is stuck in the past. In this way, free of the old story and beyond the words, we will move towards resolution of long standing life issues.

Date:   Saturday 15th March
Time:   9:00 – 17:30
Venue:   Muizenberg, Cape Town

Fee:     R750 for those setting up a constellation
             R300 for those representing /observing

There will be an opportunity for participants to work on individual issues by setting up their own constellation, or to attend as a representative / observer. Attending the family constellations day as a representative is in itself a rich gift.

Click here to register for family constellations workshop 21st June