Bonding & Belonging
Come and join this one day family constellations workshop where we will explore the ties that bind us to our family systems
A child will do anything for the love of a parent. We are bound consciously or unconsciously by deep bonds of loyalty, not only to the parents, but also to the family system. Our deepest need as individuals is to belong.
An interruption in the flow of energy in a family system may be the result of past traumas, early deaths or difficult, unacknowledged fates; individuals may feel caught in powerful, hidden forces, or inherited patterns of behaviours.
These entanglements then have consequences for family members in the present generation; the connections between each person in the family are affected by what has happened in the past. The impact on our lives can show through depressions, self-defeating behaviours, addictions, or illness. We will look for what will support a movement towards the future, away from the stuckness in the past.
You will leave the day newly resourced and strengthened through re-connection to self and to others. These felt connections experienced during the workshop day, are extraordinarily supportive and nourishing.
This connection and support is what you will take with you out of the workshop, whether you attend as a representative or come to set up your own constellation.
Venue: Muizenberg, Cape Town
Cost: R650 for those setting up a constellation
R300 for those representing / observing
Registration & Booking
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