A family constellation is a process that goes beyond words, beyond the thinking about how to solve an issue, a problem. It is a way of mapping out the relationships between people and revealing the texture and emotional content of those relationships.
In times of conflict or crises, in a family system, or an organisation, a business, or a working group, the way towards resolution or creative solution often seems blocked. We remain stuck in the old patterns of behaviour. Using the constellation process allows what is hidden, what is invisible in our everyday interactions, to become visible. What is revealed opens up new possibilities and ways of being.
These workshops may be run in another part of Cape Town, or any other city, on request.
An invitation is extended to psychologists who refer their clients to the workshop, to attend with your client and pay a reduced fee. For a psychologist to be present and observe their client’s constellation can be useful for integration into an already ongoing therapy process.
Final workshop for 2013
2 day Family Constellations Development Workshop
November 2-3 November 2013
 Presence in Chaos
This 2 day workshop can be attended by anyone who would like to begin to have a deeper understanding of the underlying principles of constellation work, through the raising of sensory awareness of an inner and outer world.
For workshop bookings and information please go to Presence in Chaos Development Workshop