Family Constellations Deep Learning Group 22-23 June

Family Constellation Learning Group with The Inner Process

The Hidden Revealed

Widening the horizon of understanding

We can’t impose our will upon a system. We can listen to what the system tells us …
We can’t control systems or figure them out. But we can dance with them!

Quote: Donella Meadows, Systems Thinker

Deep Learning Group 22-23 June 2019
Deep Learning Group 22-23 June 2019 [Image credit: Pexels]
In this set of 3 weekends of Deep Learning Groups for 2019 we will continue to explore life at its deeper levels. However, this year each weekend will have a more defined focus. We will explore the ‘how’ of doing constellations. They may be attended individually or as a block of 3 weekends.

22nd & 23rd June
31st Aug & 1st Sept
23rd & 24th November
How do we begin to make sense of our lives?
How do we begin to know what we do not know?
How do we begin to make meaning of the inexplicable?
These are some of the questions that we will explore in this 2019 series of Learning Groups. The June weekend begins with an exploration of the systemic perspective.
Where to begin. We begin with the system. Our system. How to begin to know what is not known; how do we make meaning of the inexplicable in life. We will look at the differences between working systemically and working more traditionally with an individual. What flows from this systemic view of the world?

Systems & making meaning

Seeing and experiencing ourselves as part of many different systems beginning with present family and moving ever outward biographic, generational, work, school, community. Until understanding comes that we belong in a relational world. Through this awareness of these relational connections we are able to deepen our knowing of the world. Each connection can offer a piece of knowledge, a piece of ‘what is’.

Quite simply, the awareness of a connected and relational world, a systemic view, offers a way to begin to make meaning of that world and our place within it.

Wholes, parts & patterns

We begin to uncover the conversation between the whole and the part – no one element can stands by itself – the meaning comes out of the conversation of the whole that is in every part. It is to uncover the patterns in the system, the collection of parts of the whole. The meaning arises out of this conversation.

Working with the body

We will work experientially, learning how to access information through our bodies, without words; through our senses, through deep observation and aware connections to ourselves and each other. Learning how to ‘see’ the invisible, how to uncover what is not ordinarily ‘seen’ in our usual surface day-to-day living.

We will learn by exploring living systems, our systems of belonging: present family, birth family and other systems that we overlap with. Together we will learn how to develop and deepen a fine observation, to see an impulse for movement, to hear the echo of voices; to feel emotional textures and resonance of past events and discover how they continue to impact systems in the present.

Who are these groups for?

The Groups are for those who already have some experience of Family Constellations work through attending open workshops (if you are wanting to attend and have not yet experienced the work, please contact me to book a session before registering for the weekend).

This space is also for practicing facilitators to deepen their own work in the field, and to explore the wider systemic constellations field.

The smallness of the group allows a rare trust and intimacy that offers openings into reflective spaces that can hold an enriched sharing, with or without words.

Come and join us on this journey into life.


If there is a need for financial assistance please contact through The Inner Process contacts page.

Until we meet within the work,

Robyn Lewis